Microdreams.org - Growing MicroBusiness.  Empowering dreams.

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"Microfinance stands as one of the most promising and cost-effective tools in the fight against global poverty."

Jonathan Morduch, Chair, UN Expert Group on Poverty Statistics

Tsunami Relief

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Microdreams is a non-governmental, non-profit organization and a registered charitable organization in the United States and New Zealand.


The MicroDreams Foundation has its roots in South Pacific Business Development Foundation (SPBD), a microenterprise development organization (MEDO) founded by Greg Casagrande in the Pacific Island nation of Samoa in 2000. SPBD is the first successful MEDO in the Pacific Islands region and is well known for its efficiency and its effectiveness at empowering the poor. A sister organization, SPBD-USA, was established in 2002 as a US 501c3 nonprofit organization to help fund the launch and growth of SPBD in Samoa. As SPBD grew and become economically viable, several commercial entities stepped in to permanently finance its ongoing growth. This enabled SPBD to payback its SPBD-USA sponsored start-up financing and gave SPBD-USA the opportunity to expand its horizons.

In 2007, SPBD-USA re-branded and became MicroDreams. MicroDreams is now focused on helping other young MEDO’s follow the success path to commercial permanence blazed by SPBD a few years earlier. Since rebranding, MicroDreams has delivered nearly US$500,000 of financing to young, well managed MEDO's in Bolivia, Ecuador, Tonga and Uganda. Each MEDO is now quickly scaling its operations to become permanently viable MEDO’s dedicated to empowering the poor with a powerful hand-up and not a hand-out. MicroDreams continues to actively take on new partners around the world in its mission to seed the next generation of MEDO's to benefit the world’s poor.


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