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"This is not charity. This is business: business with a social objective, which is to help people get out of poverty."

Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank founder and winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize

Tsunami Relief

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Microdreams is a non-governmental, non-profit organization and a registered charitable organization in the United States and New Zealand.

MEDO Partners

MicroDreams’ microenterprise development partners in the fight against global poverty span the globe. Below is a list of select microenterprise development organization (MEDO) alliances that MicroDreams has established:


South Pacific Business Development
South Pacific Business Development Foundation (SPBD)
Apia, Samoa
Since its arrival in Samoa in 2000, SPBD has provided over USD 12 million in loans to provide opportunities for some 9,000 Samoan families. MicroDreams has helped SPBD mobilize more than USD 1 million in financing via grants, direct loans and loan guarantees. MicroDreams funds have been used to provide loans to Samoan women in need, execute key good governance projects and expand to the nearby and more rural Samoan islands. MicroDreams also provided direct aid to hundreds of families devastated by the Samoan tsunami in 5September 2009.

See SPBD in action on YouTube:


South Pacific Business Development - Tonga
SPBD Microfinance Ltd - Tonga
Nuku’alofa, Tonga
MicroDreams is proud to be the major launch partner for SPBD-Tonga which began operations in August 2009. SPBD-Tonga helps fight poverty by providing opportunities for women and their families to enhance their income generating capabilities through microfinance and training. MicroDreams has provided over USD 200,000 in start-up capital to help SPBD-Tonga reach nearly 1000 Tongan microentrepreneurs in only a few short months. SPBD-Tonga operates on the main island of Tongatapu and will subsequently expand to outer islands.


Emprender La Paz, Bolivia
Emprender has disbursed over USD 10 million in loans and currently has 7,500 active microentrepreneur clients in Bolivia. Micro-entrepreneurs in Bolivia are engaged in subsistence farming, small trade and handicrafts. Despite Bolivia's rich natural gas reserves, it is the poorest country in South America with a per-capita GDP of less than US$ 3 per day. With the majority of Bolivians living below the poverty line, Emprender's work is highly impactful. MicroDreams' support has enabled Emprender to access USD 100,000 in commercial funds, thereby ensuring Bolivian entrepreneurs in La Paz continue to access working capital loans, grow their microbusinesses and lift their families out of poverty.


Quito, Ecuador
Founded in 1995, Fundamic has disbursed over USD 4 million in loans and currently has more than 3,000 active microentrepreneur clients in Ecuador. As of 2000, 70% of Ecuador's population lived in poverty, with a per-capita GDP of about US$5. Financial mismanagement, political instability and vagaries of the world's commodity markets have taken their toll on the nation's economy, which is largely focused on agriculture. Although Ecuador has significant oil reserves, the majority of the population has not benefited from the revenues derived from its rich petroleum exports.

Via a loan guarantee, MicroDreams negotiated Fundamic's access to USD 100,000 in financing from a commercial bank. The funds are being used to expand Fundamic's regional reach and provide more dollars to more Ecuadorian entrepreneurs in need.


Instituto de Desarrollo Regional "Cesar Vallejo" (IDER CV)
Trujillo, Peru
IDER CV was established in 1990 as a development NGO and has been involved in microfinance since 1993 through its PROCRIDER division. PROCRIDER currently has nearly 3,000 clients in the La Libertad, Tumbes and Cajamarca regions of Northern Peru. Through MicroDreams’ support, IDER CV has accessed USD 150,000 in additional financing to expand its services mainly to poor rural clients in the Huamachuco area.


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