SPBD is a network of microfinance organizations working in Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and the Solomon Islands dedicated to eradicating poverty by empowering women in poor rural villages with the opportunity to start, grow and maintain sustainable, income generating micro-enterprises.

Our Impact

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We've empowered over 80,000 women micro-entrepreneurs through micro-loans totaling US$240 million dollars in the islands of the South Pacific... and we've only just started.

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The Beauty of Western Province

Hello everybody from the Solomon Islands. I am writing to you from the Western Province. Instead of telling you about the beauty of this place I thought that I let you have a glimpse of it. What do you think?

The Western Province is known for its tourism and fishing. Its people are friendly and welcome you to their homes with a smile on their faces!
There is a lively market with lots of activity. Women tell me there are fruits, baked cakes, cooked fish, and local artisan products available. The problem, they tell me, is always the same though, the lack of capital to grow their businesses. The women tell me again and again that they need access to credit and a safe way to protect their savings.

One thing that strikes me is the lack of financial literacy. Women never had access to financial services in the past. So they don´t understand the concept of interest, saving and credit. That is, until I explained to them. Once explained, they quickly jump at the opportunity to receive financial services. They realize that with financial access they can scale up their operations and increase their income, which will help their families have a better life.
An important fact is that SPBD works with communities. The women get together and discuss their issues, problems and business opportunities. As a group they can solve their problems better and can rely on each other.

Well this adventure is slowly coming to an end. My due diligence travels are wrapping up. Next week I will send out the last of the Solomon adventures. I do hope that you stay tuned for it!

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